Google announced their Music Beta yesterday at the Google I/O conference. Yea, “Music Beta” is the official name, geniuses those guys. I requested an invitation so I can try it out, but no word yet. But I gotta say, it’s a pretty big fail right off the bat.
– First fail, you have to upload your entire collection “to the cloud.” For those with large collections, it can take days or weeks.
– Second fail, those with copied or pirated music probably won’t use it out of paranoia. Seriously, I’m sure almost everyone has a few pirated songs here or there.
– Third fail, it streams from the cloud. Hello! 2GB data cap!
– Last fail, they pulled an Amazon and launched without any licenses from the labels. The lawyers are gonna love this.
Well, they didn’t start out with a bang, but who knows, it’s Google we’re talking about.