Discover The Web With StumbleUpon

Are you bored on the ‘net? Visit the same sites day after day? There’s a website to fix that! Meet StumbleUpon. I’ve heard about StumbleUpon for a while, but never tried it until recently, and I’m hooked. StumbleUpon is pretty much a link sharing site where users submit links and tag it based on topics. Then when your ready to stumble, StumbleUpon will randomly show you a site based on your person preference. It’s one site at a time until you stumble again. There’s also the ability to give the site a thumbs up or thumbs down, and StumbleUpon will factor that into what it shows you when you stumble the web. I’ve visited some pretty neat sites, kinda random and interesting at the same time. There’s also a lot of cool photos. What are you waiting for? Start stumbling!

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